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Then, what is an open ended question in retail?
Open ended questions are things we ask that donot give the option of a yes/no answer, instead they require fullsentences (or at least more than a grunt). Open endedquestions are the beginning of a dialogue that ends with 'andhow would you like to pay for that today?'
- Do not use closed-ended questions when you want meaningfulanswers.
- Ask open-ended questions when you want detailed explanations tobuild off of.
- Use open-ended questions to expand the conversation afterasking a closed-ended question, to gather a fact or one wordanswer.
Beside above, what is an open question example?
An open-ended question is aquestion that cannot be answered with a "yes" or "no"response, or with a static response. The response can be comparedto information that is already known to the questioner.Examples of open-ended questions: Tell meabout your relationship with your supervisor.
They are probing questions used to get a prospectto talk more about their business. When used in a sales call, thequestions enable the sales rep to learn more about thelead's pain points and needs. The open nature means thereisn't a specific answer; they are designed to facilitate anexchange of ideas.