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Asked by: Ciara Mahutov
family and relationships parenting children aged 4 11What is attitude and types of attitude?
It can be referred to as a person's viewpoint, mindset,beliefs, etc. Our attitude towards people, places, things,or situations determines the choices that we make. Attitudeis composed of three components, which include cognitive component,affective/emotional component, and behavioralcomponent.
Likewise, what are the different types of attitude?
The four basic types of attitudes and behaviours that arepositive, negative and neutral.
- Positive Attitude: This is one type of attitude inorganizational behaviour.
- Negative Attitude: A negative attitude is something that everyperson should avoid.
- Neutral Attitude:
- Sikken Attitude:
Correspondingly, what is an example of attitude?
The definition of an attitude is a way of feelingor acting toward a person, thing or situation. Passion for a sport,dislike for a certain actor and negativity toward life in generalare each an example of an attitude.
Negative Attitude. A negative attitude isa disposition, feeling, or manner that is not constructive,cooperative, or optimistic.