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Beside this, what are the 3 types of logs available through the event viewer?
Types of Event Logs They are Information, Warning, Error, SuccessAudit(Security Log) and Failure Audit (Security Log).Anevent that describes the successful operation of atask,such as an application, driver, or service. For example,anInformation event is logged when a network driverloadssuccessfully.
- Use Windows' Event Viewer to shed light on the crash inControlPanel> System and Security> Administrative Tools.
- Click Event Viewer.
- On the left pane expand Windows Logs andselectApplication.
- In the top middle pane scroll down to the date and time oftheevent.
Similarly, it is asked, what is Event Viewer?
Applications and operating-system components can usethiscentralized log service to report events that have takenplace, suchas a failure to start a component or to complete anaction. TheEvent Viewer uses event IDs to define theuniquelyidentifiable events that a Windows computercanencounter.
To view the security log
- Open Event Viewer.
- In the console tree, expand Windows Logs, and thenclickSecurity. The results pane lists individual securityevents.
- If you want to see more details about a specific event, intheresults pane, click the event.