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Simply so, how do you find average speed?
Divide the total distance traveled by the totaltimespent traveling. This will give you your average speed.S =56.67 {displaystyle S=56.67} . So if Ben traveled 50 mph for3hours, 60 mph for 2 hours, and 70 mph for 1 hour, hisaveragespeed was about 57 mph.
Additionally, what is the difference between speed and average speed?
The difference between speed and average speedisthat speed is a one time measurement of velocitywhileaverage speed is the median measurement ofdifferentspeeds which basically is used simplify thevaryingspeed to appear like a singlespeedonly.
The average speed of an object is thetotaldistance traveled by the object divided by the elapsed timetocover that distance. It's a scalar quantity which means itisdefined only by magnitude. A related concept,averagevelocity, is a vector quantity. A vector quantity isdefined bymagnitude and direction.