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Just so, what is clean and press good for?
Clean And Press Benefits. The main muscleworkedin a clean and press is your shoulders, but themovementalso works your traps, triceps, middle and lower back,abdominals,glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. It is a fullbodyexercise, which not only can be performed for hypertrophy, butalsofor strength.
Moreover, what is a clean and press exercise?
Clean and Press Instructions Assume a shoulder-width stance, with knees insidethearms. Now while keeping the back flat, bend at the knees andhipsso that you can grab the bar with the arms fully extended andapronated grip that is slightly wider than shoulder width. Pointtheelbows out to sides.
Below are the main muscle groups that are workedwhenperforming the clean and jerk exercise.
- Hamstrings.
- Lower back and spinal erectors.
- Quadriceps.
- Trapezius.
- Abdominals, obliques, and transverse abdominals.
- Shoulders and scapular stabilizers.
- Triceps, biceps, forearms.