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Asked by: Liberada Olive
style and fashion womens outerwearWhat is blue jacket award in the Navy?
The Blue Jacket Award is a designation awarded to outstanding junior sailors, E-1 - E-3, quarterly. Maddox, an E-3, was selected by his peers as a nominee then confirmed by his superiors as the recipient. The Naval Dental Clinic is co-located with the Naval Branch Health Clinic.
Similarly, you may ask, what is a blue jacket in the Navy?
Noun. bluejacket (plural bluejackets) (nautical) A seaman of a British warship quotations ? (nautical) An enlisted man in the US Navy. This term needs a definition.
Regarding this, what is navy blue jacket of the quarter?
“Being Blue Jacket of the Quarter means being a shining example of a 21st century Sailor. It means embodying the Navy core values - honor, courage and commitment.
Definition. JSOQ. Junior Sailor of the Quarter (US Navy)