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Similarly, it is asked, what does bootstrapping mean in programming?
A bootstrap is the program thatinitializesthe operating system (OS) during startup. The termbootstrapor bootstrapping originated in the early1950s. It referredto a bootstrap load button that was usedto initiate ahardwired bootstrap program, or smallerprogram thatexecuted a larger program such as theOS.
Hereof, what is a bootstrap program and where is it stored?
Bootstrap program and where is it stored.Abootstrap program is the initial program thatthecomputer runs when it is powered up or rebooted. It initializesallaspects of the system, from CPU registers to device controllerstomemory contents.
The bootstrap files are the corejavascriptfiles, html files and css (or sass)files thatare required to build a collection of web page(s)using theBootStrap framework. This is the frameworkoriginallycreated by Twitter to act as a template for all theirwebpages.