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Keeping this in view, is Whiskey a brown liquor?
Here's the truth. Darker liquors contain“congeners,” a substance which is made during thefermentation process. On average, whiskey can containseveral times the amount of congeners as the same amount of vodka.The only exception to low congeners in clear liquors istequila.
is brown liquor bad?
If you plan to have more than a cocktail or two,limit yourself to clear liquor like vodka and gin. Consuminglarge amounts of darker pours like whiskey and brandy can increasethe severity of hangovers. Here's why: Dark drinks have higherconcentrations of congeners, toxic compounds formed whenalcohol is fermented.
If you drink liquor before beer, therefore,you are likely to feel the effects of the alcohol sooner.Clear beverages like vodka, gin, and white wine contain lesscongeners than darker drinks like brandy, whisky, rum, andred wine. Mixing the congeners may increase stomachirritation.