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In this manner, what is a good credit score on Checkmyfile?
Most credit scores range from 0-1000, withtheexception of Equifax, which has a score rangeof450-650.Credit Scoring was developed to help speed uptheapplication process and reduce the possibility of errors andassuch they are usually more reliable than processes that relyonUnderwriters.
One may also ask, does Checkmyfile affect credit?
This seems to be based on the popular misconceptionthatsearch footprints damage your score, and as checkingyourCredit File leaves a footprint, it must harm yourscore.You can try checkmyfile FREE for 30 days,then forjust £14.99 a month afterwards, safe in the knowledgethatyour credit score won't be affected.
This type of credit check leaves a mark onyourcredit report, so whenever prospective lenders look atyourcredit report they can see you applied forcredit (andwhether you were accepted). Most hardsearches stay on yourreport for 12 months (though a debtcollection is visible for aperiod of 2 years).