Asked by: Loaira Ylundain
home and garden indoor environmental quality

What is convection current in geography?

Convection currents, that occur within the moltenrock in the mantle, act like a conveyor belt for the plates. Thedirection of movement and type of plate margin is determined bywhich way the convection currents are flowing. Convectioncurrents. The heat from the core is transferred to themantle.

Also question is, what is convection in geography?

Convection is the circular motion that happenswhen warmer air or liquid — which has faster movingmolecules, making it less dense — rises, while the cooler airor liquid drops down. Convection is a major factor inweather.

Secondly, what is a convection current example? A simple example of convection currents iswarm air rising toward the ceiling or attic of a house. Warm air isless dense than cool air, so it rises. Wind is an example ofa convection current. Sunlight or reflected light radiatesheat, setting up a temperature difference that causes the air tomove.

Beside above, what is conventional current geography?

Conventional current direction. About Transcript.By convention, we define positive direction ofcurrent to be in the direction a positive charge would move.Electrons (with their negative charge) move in the oppositedirection of the positive current arrow.

What are convection currents in the atmosphere?

Lighter (less dense), warm material rises while heavier(more dense) cool material sinks. It is this movement that createscirculation patterns known as convection currents in theatmosphere, in water, and in the mantle of Earth. In theatmosphere, as air warms it rises, allowing cooler air toflow in underneath.

Related Question Answers

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What are three types of convection?

The three types of heat transfer
Heat is transfered via solid material (conduction),liquids and gases (convection), and electromagnetical waves(radiation).

Edwina Lepore


What are the types of convection?

Different Types of Convection. Basically, thereare two types of convection ovens: Convection andTrue Convection. Convection is your normal oven butwith an added fan on the back to circulate air.

Mylene Paioo


How does convection occur?

The particles in these fluids can move from place toplace. Convection occurs when particles with a lot of heatenergy in a liquid or gas move and take the place of particles withless heat energy. Heat energy is transferred from hot places tocooler places by convection. Liquids and gases expand whenthey are heated.

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What is convection used for?

Convection creates a dry atmosphere thatcaramelizes the sugars faster when roasting, so foods like meatsand vegetables get browner, but the interiors stay moist. It savesenergy: Because food cooks faster in a convection oven, andgenerally at a lower temperature, it's a bit more energy efficientthan a regular oven.

Wm Panek


What causes convection?

Ocean currents result from two processes - the action ofwind on the surface of the water, and from variation in watertemperature that causes movement- a process known asconvection. Convection occurs because the oceanicwaters heat up becoming less dense.

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What is convection kid definition?

Kids Definition of convection
: motion in a gas (as air) or a liquid in which thewarmer portions rise and the colder portions sink Heat can betransferred by convection.

Jeray Ubaldi


Who discovered convection?

The Discovery of Convection Currents byBenjamin Thompson, Count of Rumford.

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What is convection vs conduction?

Conduction usually occurs in solids, throughmolecular collision. Convection occurs in fluids by massmotion of molecules in the same direction. The transfer of heat isthrough heated solid substance, in conduction, whereas inconvection the heat energy is transmitted by way ofintermediate medium.

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What is the unit of potential difference?

The standard metric unit on electric potentialdifference is the volt, abbreviated V and named in honor ofAlessandro Volta. One Volt is equivalent to one Joule perCoulomb.

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What is Ohm's law used for?

Ohm's Law is a formula used to calculatethe relationship between voltage, current and resistance in anelectrical circuit. To students of electronics, Ohm's Law (E= IR) is as fundamentally important as Einstein's Relativityequation (E = mc²) is to physicists.

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How is current measured?

The SI unit of electric current is the ampere,which is the flow of electric charge across a surface at the rateof one coulomb per second. The ampere (symbol: A) is an SI baseunit Electric current is measured using a devicecalled an ammeter.

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What is the current?

Current is a flow of electrical charge carriers,usually electrons or electron-deficient atoms. The common symbolfor current is the uppercase letter I. In an alternatingcurrent (AC), the flow of charge carriers reverses directionperiodically.

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How does current flow?

Current is flow of electrons, butcurrent and electron flow in the opposite direction.Current flows from positive to negative and electronflows from negative to positive. Current isdetermined by the number of electrons passing through across-section of a conductor in one second.

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What is resistance explain?

Resistance is the opposition that a substanceoffers to the flow of electric current. When an electric current ofone ampere passes through a component across which a potentialdifference (voltage) of one volt exists, then the resistanceof that component is one ohm.

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Where does convection current occur?

Answer and Explanation: Convection currents inthe Earth occur in the mantle.

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What is convection current density?

Convection current expresses a flow due toconvection, for example, a current flow due to atemperature or density differential betweenpoints.

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How is voltage defined?

Voltage, also called electromotive force, is aquantitative expression of the potential difference in chargebetween two points in an electrical field.

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How do you explain convection?

The final way that heat is transferred from one place toanother is convection. Convection takes place whenheated molecules move from one place to another, taking the heatwith them. Convection is common in both the atmosphere aswell as in the oceans. Heated air in our atmosphere expands,becoming less dense.

Hyusein Yaffe


What are 3 examples of conduction?

Some examples are:
  • Conduction: Touching a stove and being burned. Ice cooling downyour hand.
  • Convection: Hot air rising, cooling, and falling (convectioncurrents)
  • Radiation: Heat from the sun warming your face.