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Consequently, what is being cross eyed?
If you have strabismus, one eye looks directly atthe object you are viewing, while the other eye ismisaligned inward (esotropia, "crossed eyes" or"cross-eyed"), outward (exotropia or"wall-eyed"), upward (hypertropia) or downward (hypotropia).Strabismus can be constant or intermittent.
Just so, can cross eyes be fixed?
Common treatments for these and other kinds ofstrabismus include special eye drops, eye patches,appropriate eyewear, vision therapy, and—in extremecases—surgery. Most of the time, strabismus can befixed if caught early enough and treatedappropriately.
Scientists have also discovered a hereditary linkfor two conditions that can be fairly common in children:strabismus and amblyopia. Strabismus or crossed eyes occurswhen the muscles surrounding each eye don't work together intandem, which can result in the eyes looking in separatedirections.