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In this manner, what is the purpose of a crowbar circuit?
A crowbar circuit is a method of protecting acircuit against high voltages (overvoltage) in the event ofa power supply malfunction or power surge. This is especiallyuseful in a device using TTL components as these are very sensitiveto overvoltage.
Correspondingly, what is Crowbar electronics?
A crowbar circuit is an electrical circuitused for preventing an overvoltage condition of a power supply unitfrom damaging the circuits attached to the power supply.Crowbar circuits are frequently implemented using athyristor, TRIAC, trisil or thyratron as the shortingdevice.
Short Circuit Power Dissipation. Shortcircuit current occurs during signal transitions when both theNMOS and PMOS are ON and there is a direct path betweenVdd and GND. Also called crowbar current. Accounts formore than 20% of total power dissipation.