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AC to DC converter iscalledrectifier, it uses semiconductor devices to convertAlternatingcurrent(AC) in to Directcurrent(DC) Like asDiode, Transister etc. diode andtransister are semiconductordevices and some capacitor are used inrectifier circuit for filterthe wave, filter are used to block theaccurrent.
Subsequently, one may also ask, which device converts DC current to AC current?
Also to know, what is DC and AC?
In direct current (DC), the electriccharge(current) only flows in one direction. Electric chargeinalternating current (AC), on the other hand,changesdirection periodically. The voltage in AC circuitsalsoperiodically reverses because the currentchangesdirection.
A rectifier is an electrical device thatconvertsalternating current (AC), which periodicallyreversesdirection, to direct current (DC), which flows inonly onedirection. The process is known as rectification,since it"straightens" the direction of current.