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Likewise, people ask, what is dental Code d4355?
The CDT heading and descriptor forD4355is: Full Mouth Debridement to Enable ComprehensiveEvaluation andDiagnosis. The gross removal of plaque and calculusthat interfereswith the ability of the dentist to perform acomprehensiveoral evaluation.
Likewise, people ask, what is dental Code d4346?
"D4346 scaling in presence of generalizedmoderateor severe gingival inflammation—full mouth, afteroralevaluation. The removal of plaque, calculus and stains fromsupra-and subgingival tooth surfaces when there is generalizedmoderate orsevere gingival inflammation in the absenceofperiodontitis.
As the CDT definition says, D1110 is for"theremoval of plaque, calculus, and stains from the toothstructuresin the permanent and transitional dentition. It isintended tocontrol local irritational factors."