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Asked by: Asparuh Poulter
technology and computing programming languagesWhat is domain general vs domain specific?
Then, what is the difference between domain specific and domain general abilities?
Domain specific theories of development postulate that mental state reasoning (i.e., theory of mind; ToM) develops independently of general problem solving ability. In contrast, domain general theories suggest that the abilities develop concurrently.
Also asked, what does Domain Specific mean?
domain-specific-language. Noun. (plural domain-specific languages) (Abbreviated as: DSL. (computing) A programming / specification language that is dedicated to a particular problem domain, a particular problem representation/solution technique.
Domain Specificity (Domain-Specific Learning) Domain specificity (also known as domain-specific learning) is a concept in cognitive science that suggests that some cognitive functions are solely responsible for individual specific functions and not multiple ones. Different areas of cognition are referred to as domains.