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El Toro is one of the fastest and tallestwoodenruns on Earth. “El Toro” literallymeans“the bull.” As you feel the power of thebull-liketrain you're riding in, you'll realize how this thrillergot itsname.
Regarding this, what is El Toro skateboarding?
The "El Toro 20" is an infamous flight of20concrete stairs at El Toro High School in LakeForest,Calif. The steep, straight staircase has been featuredinskateboard videos for years, mostly for its longrailslides.
Thereof, what is El Toro made of?
Wooden Roller Coaster
The Legend of El Toro. Nestled in thesleepysuburban town of Lake Forest in Southern California is aninnocentlooking high school.