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Asked by: Jhonathan Cebollada
technology and computing web design and htmlWhat is Facebook URL mean?
This custom URL typically serves as theWebaddress of your profile page and can be shared and bookmarkedbyother users. Users can choose a custom name, which will thenbecomepart of their personal URL. For example, apersonalURL on Facebook maybe
Hereof, what is a Facebook URL?
To find your Facebook page URL, justfollowthese steps: Go to and login. Foryourpersonal page URL, click on your name at the top-rightofyour window -in the top blue banner. The URL will then beinthe address bar of your browser.
For Mobile Device :
- Open Facebook on your mobile device, navigate to theprofilepage, and click More.
- Select Copy Link to Profile.
- Copy the link.
Additionally, what does meaning behind my URL mean?
A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is auniqueidentifier used to locate a resource on the internet. It isalsoreferred to as a web address.
The URL is the address of awebsite.You can find it in the address bar of yourwebbrowser. Alternatively, you can find the URL foralink by right-clicking it and copying thelink.