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Similarly one may ask, how is flatness tolerance defined?
Flatness is a condition of a specifiedsurfacehaving all elements in one plane. Flatnesstoleranceprovides a tolerance zone of specified anddefined bytwo parallel planes in where the specified surfacemust lie.Flatness is applied to an individual surface,flatnesstolerance does not need to be related to adatum.
In respect to this, how is flatness tolerance measured?
Flatness is can be measured using aheightgauge run across the surface of the part if only thereferencefeature is held parallel. You are trying making sure thatany pointalong the surface does not go above or below thetolerancezone.
Flatness can be a confusingsubject.I-Units is an exacting quantitativeflatnessmeasurement. It is a dimensionless number thatincorporates boththe height (H) and peak to peak length (L, or P inthe diagrambelow) of a repeating wave.