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Here's a quick and simple definition: Formalverse is the name given to rhymed poetry that uses astrict meter (a regular pattern of stressed and unstressedsyllables). Formal verse is distinct from blank verse(poetry with meter but no rhyme) and free verse(poetry without meter or rhyme).
Keeping this in consideration, what is a formal poem?
A formal poem is one with a pre-definedstructure, such as a sonnet, triolet, or villanelle. The rhymescheme, stanza length, meter, and repetition (if any) are definedby the form, constraining what the author can do within thepoem.
Besides, what are the two forms of poetry?
Popular poetry types include haiku, free verse,sonnets, and acrostic poems.
The ATRINA form was Invented by Keith Metcalf Drew ofAllPoetry.A stanzaic poem of 18 lines, consisting of3 quatrains and a sestet. It is isosyllabic, each line have8 syllables.