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Regarding this, what is the application of Fourier series?
The Fourier series has manysuchapplications in electrical engineering, vibrationanalysis,acoustics, optics, signal processing, image processing,quantummechanics, econometrics, thin-walled shelltheory,etc.
Herein, what is Fourier Transform and its applications?
EE261 - The Fourier Transform anditsApplications Topics include: The Fourier transform as atoolfor solving physical problems. Fourier series,theFourier transform of continuous and discrete signalsandits properties. The Dirac delta, distributions,andgeneralized transforms.
Harmonics with respect to Fourierseriesand analysis mean the sine and cosine componentswhichconstitute a function, or to put more simply , thesimplestfunctions that a given function can be brokendowninto.