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Accordingly, does Garadget work with Alexa?
The Garadget is an $89 smart controller thataddssimple smarts like remote access and voice control to yourexistinggarage door opener. Before attaching the Garadget toyourgarage door opener, you'll need to pair it to your Wi-Finetworkusing the Garadget app for iOS andAndroiddevices.
Likewise, people ask, why will my garage door not stay down?
When a garage door won't stay closed,themost likely problem is that the limit settings are off. Thelimitstell the garage door when it's fully open and whenit'sfully closed. In this instance, the down limit is settoofar, making the garage door think it hasn't fullyclosedwhen it touches the ground.
The amber light on the sending sensor willglowregardless of alignment or obstruction. (Meaning this lightwillalways be on no matter what) If the green light onthereceiving sensor is off, dim, or flickering (andtheinvisible light beam path is not obstructed) , alignmentisrequired.