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Goldfishing (or playing against aGoldfish) is the practice of playing without an opponent asin drawing a starting hand and proceeding to continue to play untilan opponent who does nothing to stop you from accomplishing thegameplan is defeated.
Similarly, it is asked, what does Janky mean in MTG?
It can also be used to simply mean bad."My deck is pretty janky." LD - Abbreviation for LandDestruction. (Stone Rain, etc.)
Furthermore, what is Spellslinger MTG?
Description. The Spellslinger Starter Kit is alearn-to-play product aimed at new players, including instructionalmaterials that guide two players through their first game. It wassold in local game stores and mass market stores.
From MTG Wiki. Voltron is a deck archetypewith the goal of casting one creature, then using other cards suchas Auras and Equipment to enhance that creature and making it atrue threat to the opponent.