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Asked by: Wiebke Walkowitz
business and finance mechanical and industrial engineering industryWhat is happening when machines lose energy due to friction?
Likewise, people ask, can make machines more efficient by reducing friction?
Machine Efficiency The output work is always less than the input workbecause some of the input work is used to overcomefriction. Therefore, efficiency is always less than100 percent. The closer to 100 percent a machine'sefficiency is, the better it is at reducingfriction.
Also question is, can machines increase energy?
A machine cannot increase the amount ofenergy you put into it. In most cases, a simplemachine is used to reduce the amount of force you must exertto do work. The down side is that you must exert the forceover a greater distance, because the product of force and distance,fd, (which equals work) does not change.
They just change how the work is done.Machines make work easier by increasing the amount offorce that is applied, increasing the distance over which the forceis applied, or changing the direction in which the force isapplied. A: The machine must apply the force over a shorterdistance.