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Accordingly, what does Harley Davidson stand for?
Harley-Davidson.Harley-Davidson,Inc., H-D, or Harley, is anAmerican motorcycle manufacturerfounded in 1903 in Milwaukee,Wisconsin. It was one of two majorAmerican motorcyclemanufacturers to survive the Great Depression,along withIndian.
Secondly, how much does a Harley tech make?
Salary Information forHarley-DavidsonTechnicians According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS),the median hourly wage in May 2018 for motorcycle mechanicswas$17.82. The BLS also reported that most motorcycle mechanicsearnedan annual salary from $23,620 to $59,640.
TRAIN AT MOTORCYCLE MECHANICS INSTITUTE INORLANDO,FLORIDA Motorcycle Mechanics Institute (MMI) inOrlandohas the instructors, facilities, and state-of-the-industrytoolsand technology to help you prepare for a career in themotorcycleindustry.