Asked by: Nile Thielker
business and finance financial crisis

What is IIF statement?

SQL Server 2012 introduced a new built-in logical function SQL IIF. It is a shorthand form of writing CASE statement logic or IF-ELSE logic. We explored Case Statement in SQL in my earlier article. We use a case statement to return a result based on the defined condition.

Simply so, what is the IIF function?

In computing, IIf (an abbreviation for Immediate if) is a function in several editions of the Visual Basic programming language and ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML), and on spreadsheets that returns the second or third parameter based on the evaluation of the first parameter.

One may also ask, what does IIF mean in access? expression, truepart, falsepart

Also question is, what is the difference between IF and IIF?

The critical difference between IIF (available from VS 2002 forward) and IF (available in VS 2005 forward) is that IIF is a function and evaluates all of its arguments prior to returning a value, while IF is an operator that executes like a short-circuiting conditional, only evaluating the true or false argument

What does if and only if mean?

In logic and related fields such as mathematics and philosophy, if and only if (shortened as iff) is a biconditional logical connective between statements, where either both statements are true or both are false.

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Cheryl Schulzensohn



The SQL NULL is the term used to represent a missing value. A NULL value in a table is a value in a field that appears to be blank. A field with a NULL value is a field with no value. It is very important to understand that a NULL value is different than a zero value or a field that contains spaces.

Lofti Zimarev


How do I use the IF function in Excel?

Use the IF function, one of the logical functions, to return one value if a condition is true and another value if it's false. For example: =IF(A2>B2,"Over Budget","OK") =IF(A2=B2,B4-A4,"")

Rayyan Azdad


How do I use IIF in Excel?

How to Use the Microsoft Excel IIF VBA Function
  1. IIF function is used to evaluate an expression and perform one of two actions based on the outcome of the evaluation.
  2. IIF (Value > 10, Perform this action if Value is <= 10, Perform this action is Value is > 10)

Meliton Haberzettel


Is null in access?

IsNull Function. Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether an expression contains no valid data (Null). The required expressionargument is a Variant containing a numeric expression or string expression. IsNull returns True if expression is Null; otherwise, IsNull returns False.

Pompeya Vincken


What is IIF in VB net?

IIf Function in VB.NET. IIF returns one of two objects, depending on the evaluation of an expression. Both statements returns True. Note :The expressions in the argument list can include function calls.

Happy Shakhvorostov


What is the IIf function in access?

Returns one of two parts, depending on the evaluation of an expression. You can use IIf anywhere you can use expressions. You use IIf to determine if another expression is true or false. If the expression is true, IIf returns one value; if it is false, IIf returns another. You specify the values IIf returns.

Amel Wierzbicki


What does IIF mean in SQL?

IIF is a shorthand way for writing a CASE expression. It evaluates the Boolean expression passed as the first argument, and then returns either of the other two arguments based on the result of the evaluation.

Fane Sanchez De Nieta


What is SQL IIf?

SQL Server 2012 introduced a new built-in logical function SQL IIF. It is a shorthand form of writing CASE statement logic or IF-ELSE logic. We use a case statement to return a result based on the defined condition. It is similar to an IF..ELSE…THEN statement evaluates an expression and returns the output.

Adonais Ruppert


What is IIF VBA?

The VBA IIf function evaluates an expression and returns one of two values, depending on whether the expression evaluates to True or False. IIf( Expression, TruePart, FalsePart ) Expression. - The expression that is to be evaluated.

Emmy Harel


How do I use IIF in tableau?

IIF(test, then, else, [unknown])
If the test evaluates to TRUE, then IIF returns the THEN value. If the test evaluates to FALSE, then IIF returns the ELSE value. A Boolean comparison may also yield the value UNKNOWN (neither TRUE nor FALSE), usually due to the presence of null values in the test.

Sellamia Swiatkowsk


How do you use Ifnull in tableau?

IFNULL(expression1, expression2)
The first value in the function is used if the value is not null, and the second is used if it is null. If any country's Total Population does not have a value, then it will be reset as zero and removing the null from the newly created field.

Desamparats Magin


How do I use a case in an Access query?

The Case statement can only be used in VBA code in Microsoft Access. You can also use the To keyword to specify a range of values. You can also comma delimit values. And finally, you can also use the Is keyword to compare values.

Chunli Calhegas


Is null in IIf statement?

IIf([partnumber] Is Null, If that condition is evaluates to True, then whatever follows the first comma is evaluated IIf([partnumber] Is Null,"0" <-- so if partnumber IS null, the value (in this case text) "0" is the result of the IIF() function call.

Tenesoya Arrozpide


How do you multiply in access?

Steps to Multiply in Access using SQL
  1. Step 1: Create the Table in Access. To start, create the table in Access.
  2. Step 2: Open the Query Design. To open the Query Design in Access:
  3. Step 3: Add the Table and Fields.
  4. Step 4: Switch to the SQL View.
  5. Step 5: Multiply in Access using SQL.
  6. Step 6: Run the Query in Access.

Augurio Abankin


What does data type mismatch in criteria expression mean in access?

This error indicates that Access cannot match an input value to the data type it expects for the value. For example, if you give Access a text string when it is expecting a number, you receive a data type mismatch error. Verify that the criteria for a column matches the data type of the column's underlying field.

Maynard Rozado


What is NZ in access?

You can use the Nz function to return zero, a zero-length string (" "), or another specified value when a Variant is Null. For example, you can use this function to convert a Null value to another value and prevent it from propagating through an expression. Syntax. Nz ( variant [, valueifnull ] )