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Beside this, what does an LCD screen contain on the inside?
The liquid crystals are made up of a part solid,partliquid substance that can be "twisted" by applyingelectricalvoltage to them. They block the polarized light when theyare off,but reflect red, green, or blue light when activated. EachLCDscreen contains a matrix of pixels that displaytheimage on the screen.
Considering this, is the liquid in LCD screens harmful?
Most modern LCD panels should not "leak"anything,since although liquid crystals are aliquid, theydon't necessarily "flow out" of the monitor andleak everywhere.Very rarely will you see actual liquid comeout of a brokenLCD screen (it is very viscous). A commonchemical to use inLCD screens is MBBA.
How to clean your computer LCD display
- Step 1: Disconnect the power cord from desktop monitors.
- Step 2: Gently wipe the dust from the surface of thedisplayusing a dry, lint-free cloth, like a microfiber cloth.
- Step 3: For tough spots, lightly dampen a microfiber clothwithwater and gently wipe the display with as little pressureaspossible.