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Considering this, what does it mean to need validation?
Validation means to express understandingandacceptance of another person's internal experience, whateverthatmight be. Validation does not mean you agreeorapprove. Validation builds relationships and helpseaseupset feelings. You'll also miss out on important informationaboutwho you are as a person.
Similarly, you may ask, what do you mean by validation?
validate. To validate is to provethatsomething is based on truth or fact, or is acceptable. It canalsomean to make something, like a contract, legal.Youmay need someone to validate your feelings, whichmeans thatyou want to hear, “No, you're notcrazy. It'sacceptable to be angry about that.”
Emotional validation is the process oflearningabout, understanding and expressing acceptance of anotherperson'semotional experience. Emotional validationisdistinguished from emotional invalidation, in whichanotherperson's emotional experiences are rejected, ignored,orjudged.