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December 13, 2019 (15 Rabi al-Akhir 1441) -TodayIslamic Date in Pakistan is 15 Rabi al-Akhir1441.
Hereof, what is the Islamic date today?
The current Islamic year is 1441 AH. IntheGregorian calendar, 1441 AH runs from approximately 1September2019 to 20 August 2020.
Today Hijri date | 05 ??? 1441 |
Gregorian date | 04 Oct, 2019 |
Day | Friday |
Just so, what Islamic date is today in USA?
The journey, known as 1 AH, is the first year oftheIslamic calendar, and hypothetically falls on April 16ofthe year 622 on the Gregorian calendar. The currentIslamicyear is 1440 AH, and the year 1441 will commence fromtomorrow,August 30.
Thisyear,Muharram runs from September 1 to 28. The Islamiccalendarfollows a 30-year cycle, with 19 years of 354 days and 11leapyears of 355 days, so it falls on a different day on theGregoriancalendar every year.