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In this regard, what is isolationism US history?
Isolationism refers to America'slongstandingreluctance to become involved in European alliances andwars.Isolationists held the view that America's perspectiveonthe world was different from that of European societies andthatAmerica could advance the cause of freedom and democracy bymeansother than war.
Consequently, what are some examples of isolationism?
China, for example, became muchmoreisolationist after its civil war, which ended in 1950.Inincorporating communism, China was aiming for economicindependenceand self-reliance.
The disadvantages of countrybeingisolationism is that; country will not be abletotrade with other countries for economic growth. ForinstanceWoodrow Wilson argued against isolationism, claimingthat itcan be necessary to intervene either through combat ornegotiationsin order to maintain the peace of theworld.