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Asked by: Ghali De Sande
books and literature fictionWhat is it called when there is a story within a story?
Keeping this in view, what is a small story within a story called?
A frame story (also known as a frame tale or frame narrative) is a literary technique that serves as a companion piece to a story within a story, where an introductory or main narrative sets the stage either for a more emphasized second narrative or for a set of shorter stories.
Furthermore, what is the literary term for a story that introduces another story?
Exposition may occur in both fiction and nonfiction writing. The term exposition is also used to refer to the part of the story that introduces the basic elements of the plot: the characters, the setting, and the initial situation leading to the conflict.
In fiction, a subplot is a secondary strand of the plot that is a supporting side story for any story or the main plot. Subplots may connect to main plots, in either time and place or in thematic significance. Subplots often involve supporting characters, those besides the protagonist or antagonist.