Asked by: Estela Gerena
science chemistry

What is kcio4?

Potassium perchlorate (KClO4) is an inorganicsubstance belonging to the perchlorate family of salts. It istypically found as a crystalline, colorless solid and is used innumerous industrial applications. KClO4 is manufactured bythe reaction of KCl with sodium perchlorate.

Also asked, what can potassium perchlorate be used for?

Potassium perchlorate can be used as anantithyroid agent used to treat hyperthyroidism, usually incombination with one other medication. This application exploitsthe similar ionic radius and hydrophilicity of perchlorateand iodide.

One may also ask, what type of compound is KClO4? Potassium perchlorate is an inorganic salt with thechemical formula KClO4.

Simply so, is KClO4 a strong acid?

(b) Potassium perchlorate, KClO4, is a neutralsalt. The reaction between a strong base KOH and thestrong acid HClO4 produces KClO4. (c) Potassiumhydrogen sulfate (also called potassium bisulfate) is anacidic salt.

What is the name of KClO?

Potassium hypochlorite (chemical formula KClO) isthe potassium salt of hypochlorous acid. It is used in variableconcentrations, often diluted in water solution. It has a lightgrey color and a strong chlorine smell. It can be used as adisinfectant.

Related Question Answers

Glynis Vandenhirtz


Is potassium perchlorate toxic?

* Potassium Perchlorate can affect you whenbreathed in. * Contact can irritate the skin and eyes. * BreathingPotassium Perchlorate can irritate the nose and throat.Potassium Perchlorate is a colorless to white crystalline(sand-like) solid.

Mitchel Foradada


Is potassium perchlorate an acid or base?

Why is potassium perchlorate, in an acidicsolution, a strong oxidizer? Potassium perchlorate (KClO4)in an acidic solution generates perchloric acid(HClO4). This is a very strong oxidizer, because chlorine is in +7oxidation state in this molecule.

Mohammadi Heineking


What is flash powder used for?

It is widely used in fireworks and theatricalpyrotechnics, and was once used for flashes in photography.Different varieties of flash powder are made from differentcompositions; most common are potassium perchlorate and aluminiumpowder. Sometimes, sulfur is included in the mixture toincrease the sensitivity.

Merieme Vishwa


Is KClO4 soluble in water?

potassium perchlorate, KClO4(s) is soluble inwater to the extent of 0.70 grams per 100.0 ml at 0 degreescelcius.

Seham Ents


Is potassium perchlorate soluble in water?

Potassium perchlorate is a colorless, crystallinesolid salt. It has the lowest solubility in water of anyalkali perchlorate, 1.5 g / 100 ml water at 25°C. It is not hygroscopic and does not formhydrates.

Ilinka Canhoo


How is potassium perchlorate made?

Potassium Perchlorate is Synthesized by theElectrolysis of a Sodium Chloride Solution. The Solution FirstBecomes Sodium Chlorate and then with ContinuedElectrolysis, Sodium Perchlorate.

Rakia Bermudez De Castro


What is the difference between chlorate and chloride?

Chlorate ion is derived from the dissociation ofHClO3 (chloric acid) or any other chloratecontaining compound. The main difference between chlorineand chlorate is that chloride cannot undergoreduction reactions whereas chlorate easily undergoesreduction reactions.

Fabricio Aldai


Is potassium perchlorate hygroscopic?

Potassium perchlorate is a colorless, crystallinesolid salt. It has the lowest solubility in water of any alkaliperchlorate, 1.5 g / 100 ml water at 25 °C. It ishygroscopic.

Lonny Bartul


Is NaOH an acid or base?

NaOH, or sodium hydroxide, is a compound.A compound is classified as either an acid, base, orsalt. All bases contain OH- (hydroxide) ions, while allacids contain H+ (hydrogen) ions. A salt is a compound thatis formed when a base and an acid are combinedbecause they neutralize each other.

Javiera Barr


Is NaCl an acid or base?

NaCl is formed by the reaction of HCl and NaOH.Both are strong acids and bases. When a strongacid and a strong base react together the resultantis salt and water.Therefore NaCl is a salt.

Mamoune Grodhues


Is NaBr an acid or base?

Since NaBr has no hydrogen that will dissociateinto solution as a hydrogen ion (H+), it is not considered anacid, but a salt (metal + nonmetal). The reaction of astrong acid and strong base produces water and salt(an aqueous salt solution), is a neutralizationreaction.

Nourdine Poeira


Is hc2h3o2 an acid or base?

Because all of the hydrogen chloride forms separateions, hydrochloric acid is a strong acid. A weakacid does not form many ions in solution. Acetic acid(HC2H3O2) is the acid in vinegar.

Yenay Wilfart


How many oxygen atoms are in kclo4?

Thus, 1 mole Oxygen = 16 g. → 8 g = 0.5 mol.Therefore: Number of atoms = 6.022*10^23 * 0.5 = 3.011 *10^23 oxygen atoms.

Ginger Koerver


How do you name ionic compounds?

An ionic compound is named first by its cationand then by its anion. The cation has the same name as itselement. For example, K+1 is called thepotassium ion, just as K is called the potassium atom. The anion isnamed by taking the elemental name, removing the ending, andadding “ide.”

Boulaye Gierlach


What is the formula for the ionic compound formed from the combination of magnesium and sulfur?

Ionic Compounds, Naming and Formula Writing
Magnesium Oxide MgO
Magnesium Sulfide MgS
Magnesium Selenide MgSe
Calcium Oxide CaO

Jamshed Brentel


How do you name acids?

In simple binary acids, one ion is attached tohydrogen. Names for such acids consist of the prefix“hydro-“, the first syllable of the anion, and thesuffix “-ic”. Complex acid compounds have oxygenin them. For an acid with a polyatomic ion, the suffix“-ate” from the ion is replaced with“-ic.”

Nolasco Wohlke


What type of compound is KClO3?

Potassium Chlorate (KClO3) is an ioniccompound because it contains: Potassium, Chlorine, andOxygen. In potassium chlorate the ions are held together in alattice structure by ionic bonds.

Loyola Weitz


What is the significance of a chemical formula?

A chemical formula tells us the number of atomsof each element in a compound. It contains the symbols of the atomsof the elements present in the compound as well as how many thereare for each element in the form of subscripts.