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Consequently, what is the purpose of a login?
Purpose: The login page serves severalpurposes. It is a welcoming point to CAMS for new customersas well as existing applicants. It allows new applicants toregister for a CAMS logon ID and password.
Similarly, it is asked, what is the difference between logon and login?
The difference is not hard to remember, since"log in" cannot be a noun (it is a verb is followed by apreposition). Important: "Logon" can be used synonymouslywith "login," and "log on" can be used synonymouslywith "log in." However, "login" and "log in"are the more commonly used terms.
Your Login ID is the unique ID thatyou use in conjuction with your password to log in toWashington University systems. The purpose of the Login IDis to identify you and distinguish you from otherusers. In the past, Login IDs have typically been StudentID numbers, employee ID numbers or Social SecurityNumbers.