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Asked by: Dinara Ruschenschroer
home and garden indoor environmental qualityWhat is LRA in compressor?
LRA or Lock Rotor Amps in its unabbreviated formis the current draw of a motor when the rotor is locked. Comparingthis to the RLA, run load amps, it becomes obvious that LRAis significantly higher than RLA. If a compressor is drawingit's LRA, something is very wrong.
Keeping this in consideration, what is the meaning of LRA in compressor?
LRA - Locked Rotor Amps: The current you canexpect under starting conditions when you apply full voltage. Itoccurs instantly during start up. RLA - Rated Load Amps: Themaximum current a compressor should draw under any operatingconditions.
- Measure the room's area in square feet. For a square orrectangular room, multiply length by width.
- Determine the area's necessary cooling requirement in BritishThermal Units (BTUs).
- Add 4,000 BTUs if you are calculating for a kitchen.
- Divide by 12,000 to convert BTUs to tonnage.
Simply so, what is RLA on a compressor?
RLA: Acronym for "rated load amps". The maximumcurrent a compressor should draw under any operatingconditions. Often mistakenly called running load amps which leadspeople to believe, incorrectly, that the compressor shouldalways pull these amps.
Locked Rotor Amperes