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Regarding this, what is a hydraulic radius?
Definition of hydraulic radius. : the ratio ofthe cross-sectional area of a channel or pipe in which a fluid isflowing to the wetted perimeter of the conduit.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do you find the hydraulic radius?
From the hydraulic radius definition:RH = A/P, where A is the cross sectional area of flowand P is its wetted perimeter. From the diagram it is clear that A= by and P = 2y + b, so the hydraulic radius is:RH = by/(2y + b) for an open channel flow through arectangular cross section.
The hydraulic diameter (aka hydraulic meandiameter) is used for a fluid flowing in a pipe, ductor other conduit of any shape. This uses the perimeter andthe area of the conduit to provide the diameter of a pipewhich has proportions such that conservation of momentum ismaintained.