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Subsequently, one may also ask, how does OTA update work?
These updatesaredistributed over WiFi or mobile broadband using a functionbuiltinto the smartphone or tablet's operating system or throughaspecial OTA app that's given root access. Theupdategoes out to all the designated smartphones or tabletsfrom onecentral control panel.
Also, what is OTA Update Android?
OTA Updates. Android devices in thefieldcan receive and install over-the-air (OTA) updates tothesystem, application software, and time zone rules. It isintendedfor developers who want to make OTA updates work onnewAndroid devices and those who want to buildupdatepackages for released devices.
OTA server is a server to supportdynamicdiscovery, user authentication, download and billingofdistrubuting mobile applications. It is usually set up byawireless carrier to provide services to devices onitsnetwork.