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Asked by: Collado Ceci
technology and computing information and network securityWhat is MIB speed?
Moreover, is MiB and MB the same?
One mebibyte (MiB) is 220, i.e. 1024 × 1024 bytes, or 1048576bytes. Despite its official status, the unit mebibyte is not commonly used even when reporting byte counts calculated in binary multiples, but is often represented as a megabyte. Formally, one megabyte denotes 1000 × 1000 bytes.
Beside this, which is bigger MiB or MB?
According to these standards, technically a megabyte (MB) is a power of ten, while a mebibyte (MiB) is a power of two, appropriate for binary machines. A megabyte is then 1,000,000 bytes. A mebibyte is the actual 1,048,576 bytes that most intend.
megabit per second (symbol Mbit/s or Mb/s, often abbreviated "Mbps") is a unit of data transfer rate equal to: 1,000 kilobits per second. 1,000,000 bits per second. 125,000 bytes per second.