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Asked by: Sinesia Reulecke
food and drink barbecues and grillingWhat is more healthy ham or turkey?
Furthermore, which is healthier turkey or ham?
Turkey has both light and dark meat and is typically leaner, which means it contains less fat. Both turkey and ham are relatively low in calories. One 3-ounce serving of light turkey contains about 125 calories and the same serving size of ham contains about 139 calories.
is Turkey ham healthy?
On each product we tested — franks, turkey ham, smoked sausage, pepperoni and Italian sausage — the primary ingredient was dark turkey meat, and every item still derives half of its calories from fat. There is good news: Most will cut the quantity of calories and fat grams substantially.
The healthiest lunch meat in terms of fat content is turkey breast, with just 0.35 gram of total fat per 1-ounce serving. Chicken breast contains just 0.40 gram of fat, and pastrami has 1.63 grams of total fat, with less than 1 gram of saturated fat.