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Similarly, what is a motto example?
noun. The definition of a motto is a phraseorquote that is representative of a person or brand's idealsandvalues. An example of a motto is AppleComputer's"Think Different" phrase. YourDictionary definition andusageexample. Copyright © 2018 byLoveToKnowCorp.
- “Health first.”
- “Exercise—stay stronger longer.”
- “Where there's a will, there's a way.”
- “He who has a why can endure any how.”
- “Make the right thing to do the easy thingtodo.”
- “Smoke-free—a healthy me.”
Keeping this in consideration, what is the meaning of Moto?
Mo´to. n. 1. (Mus.) Movement; manner ofmovement;particularly, movement with increased rapidity; - usedespeciallyin the phrase con moto, directing to a somewhatquickermovement; as, andante con moto, a little more rapidlythanandante, etc.
a maxim adopted as an expression of the guidingprincipleof a person, organization, city, etc. a sentence, phrase,or wordexpressing the spirit or purpose of a person, organization,city,etc., and often inscribed on a badge, banner,etc.