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Regarding this, what is the definition of nesting in regards to search terms?
Nesting refers to the use of parentheses toorganize a search statement that uses more than one kind ofconnector or operator (AND, OR, NOT). Nest search termswhenever there's only one text entry box. Sample nestedsearch: "critical thinking" AND ("higher education" OR collegestudents)
Likewise, people ask, what is advanced search techniques?
The search techniques covered here (keywords,Boolean operators, phrase searching) are combined to createsearch statements. Search statements are used whensearching catalogs, databases, and search engines tofind books, articles, and websites.
There are six logical, or boolean,operators. They are AND, conditional AND, OR, conditionalOR, exclusive OR, and NOT. ? Each argument to a logicaloperator must be a boolean data type, and the resultis always a boolean data type.