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In this manner, what is the purpose of clipping and notching?
Notching is similar to clipping, but instead of taking a single snip out of the fabric, you cut out a small amount of fabric. Notching is used on convex curves and exterior corners because the seam allowance is larger than the space it will be turned into.
Subsequently, question is, how do you make fabric notches?
Simply cut outwards in a v shape. If the notch on your pattern points in, then just cut out from it. If you have a double sewing notch you can cut 2 separate v notches or cut across making it one piece. As long as you are consistent in the method you use, your pieces will match up.
Definitely a necessary technique when you sew clothing or anything with rounded seams or edges. Clip a "V" in inside curves to reduce bulk. Outside curves do not need a "V" cut in them. Clip a straight line perpendicular to the seam, being careful to cut close but not through the seam.