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Asked by: Aimar Rosenwein
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryWhat is opposite of niece?
Opposite of a daughter of one'ssibling,brother-in-law, or sister-in-law. aunt. nephew.uncle.
Likewise, what is the opposite word of niece?
Antonym of Niece
Word | Antonym |
Niece | Nephew |
Get definition and list of more Antonym andSynonymin English Grammar. |
Similarly, what is another word for niece?
niece. sister's daughter, brother'sdaughter,niece by marriage, grandniece, daughter ofabrother-in-law, daughter of a sister-in-law; seealsonephew, relative.
niece. a daughter of your brotherorsister, or a daughter of your husband's orwife'sbrother or sister. Their son is calledyournephew.