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Just so, how does SSH Passwordless work?
How Passwordless SSH works in Linux /UNIX.SSH is a protocol to transfer data securelybetweendifferent machines. The SSH protocol uses publickeycryptography to allow the client to authenticate the server andifnecessary to allow the server to authenticate the clientwithoutsending passwords back and forth.
Subsequently, question is, what is password less SSH?
SSH (Secure SHELL) is an open source andmosttrusted network protocol that is used to login into remoteserversfor execution of commands and programs.UsingPassword-less login with SSH keyswillincrease the trust between two Linux servers for easyfilesynchronization or transfer.
SSH, also known as Secure Shell or SecureSocketShell, is a network protocol that gives users,particularlysystem administrators, a secure way to access acomputer over anunsecured network. SSH also refers tothe suite ofutilities that implement the SSHprotocol.