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Asked by: Anali Hortc
religion and spirituality christianityWhat is personal legend in Alchemist?
A Personal Legend, as it's referred to in TheAlchemist, is one's destiny in life. It's identifying yourpurpose in life and pursuing it. He says that a PersonalLegend is “what you have always wanted toaccomplish”.
Beside this, what is a personal legend?
A Personal Legend is your life's spiritualpurpose. It's a spiritual calling that awakens a deep desire andpassion to live with a sense of purpose for something greater thanyourself.
Secondly, what is the world's greatest lie in the Alchemist?
" the littleboy asks. The old man replies, "It's this: that at a certain pointin our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and ourlives become controlled by fate. That's the world's greatestlie.”
To find your own Personal Legend and start living yourstory to its fullest, follow these twelve steps:
- Open up to yourself.
- Take small steps.
- Learn to say no.
- Discover your talents.
- Begin to choose.
- 6. Make that decision 'pure' (not polluted by financialgain)
- Follow your intuition.
- Don't be afraid to change.