Asked by: Cyra Gagentorn
science chemistry

What is photochemical smog and what is the chemical formula?

Composition of Photochemical Smog
NO2+hν→NO+O. This is a continual cycle that leads only to a temporary increase in net ozone production. To create photochemical smog on the scale observed in Los Angeles, the process must include Volatile organic compounds (VOC's).

People also ask, what is photochemical smog and how is it formed?

Photochemical smog is a mixture of pollutants that are formed when nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) react to sunlight, creating a brown haze above cities. It tends to occur more often in summer, because that is when we have the most sunlight. Primary pollutants.

Also, what is the chemistry behind formation of smog? Smog, the primary constituent of which is ground level ozone, is formed by a chemical reaction of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, VOCs, and heat from sunlight.

Herein, what is mean by photochemical smog?

Photochemical smog is a type of smog produced when ultraviolet light from the sun reacts with nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere.

Why is smog harmful?

Smog is a serious problem in many cities and continues to harm human health. Ground-level ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide are especially harmful for senior citizens, children, and people with heart and lung conditions such as emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma.

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Rong Knornschild


What is photochemical smog and its effects?

Short Term Effects of Air Pollution
Photochemical smog is formed when sunlight interacts with certain chemicals in the atmosphere. Ozone is the main component in this type of air pollution. Ozone in the stratosphere protects us against harmful ultraviolet radiation, but on the ground, it is hazardous to human health.

Argeo Bendermacher


What is photochemical smog made of?

That mixture of bad chemicals is called photochemical smog. The chemicals in photochemical smog include nitrogen oxides, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), ozone, and PAN (peroxyacytyl nitrate). Nitrogen oxides mostly come from the engines of cars and trucks.

Bertilda Rosetti


What is photochemical effect?

Photochemical reaction, a chemical reaction initiated by the absorption of energy in the form of light. The consequence of molecules' absorbing light is the creation of transient excited states whose chemical and physical properties differ greatly from the original molecules.

Iluminada Tisserant


What is the main cause of photochemical smog?

Conditions of Photochemical Smog Formation
Photochemical smog happens when nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds react together in the presence of sunlight as a catalyst and form ozone at lower levels. Breathing problems can become aggravated due to prolonged exposure to smog conditions.

Mohsin Azon


How does photochemical smog affect humans?

Photochemical smog's effects cause damage to the respiratory system and environmental systems with the release of nitrogen oxide (NO), ozone and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These effects are worse when the sun is highest because the pollutants react with it.

Denzel Biota


What is smog explain?

Smog. Smog is a kind of air pollution, originally named for the mixture of smoke and fog in the air. Classic smog results from large amounts of coal burning in an area and is caused by a mixture of smoke and sulfur dioxide. Smog is a problem in a number of cities and continues to harm human health.

Siqi Sene


How is smog formed how does it affect human health?

In present time's smog are caused due to vehicular emission, industrial fumes which react in atmosphere along with sunlight to form photochemical smog. The air pollutants from smog cause serious problems to senior citizens, children and people with heart and lung problems leading to emphysema, bronchitis, asthma.

Safdar Goel


What is smog and its effects?

Smog can cause or aggravate health problems such as asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and other respiratory problems as well as eye irritation and reduced resistance to colds and lung infections. The ozone in smog also inhibits plant growth and can cause widespread damage to crops and forests.

Leonilde Uribeondo


How can we prevent smog?

Everyone can do their part to reduce smog by changing a few behaviors, such as:
  1. Drive less.
  2. Take care of cars.
  3. Fuel up during the cooler hours of the day—night or early morning.
  4. Avoid products that release high levels of VOCs.
  5. Avoid gas-powered yard equipment, like lawn mowers.

Danut Meyerfeld


What is smog and its types?

Smog. Smog = smoke + fog (smoky fog) caused by the burning of large amounts of coal, vehicular emission and industrial fumes (Primary pollutants). At least two distinct types of smog are recognized: sulfurous smog and photochemical smog.

Eryk Gilbey


Where is photochemical smog common?

Secondary pollutants, like ozone, result from the reaction of primary pollutants with ultraviolet light. Photochemical smog is most common in sunny and dry cities, like Los Angeles. Smog has a variety of negative health impacts.

Tonet Eleiciaga


How is acid rain formed?

Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain.

Noemie Krautkramer


What do you mean by acid rain?

Acid rain is a rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic, meaning that it has elevated levels of hydrogen ions (low pH). It can have harmful effects on plants, aquatic animals and infrastructure.

Margo Ormsby


What are the components of smog?

Smog is made up of many chemicals including nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), but the two main components of smog are particulate matter (PM) and ground-level ozone (O3).

Doria Epsteen


What is oxidising smog?

Photochemical smog is also sometimes known as "oxidizing smog", in that it has a high concentration of oxidizing agents. Ozone is a common oxidizing agent found in photochemical smog. Another type of smog, "reducing smog", has high concentrations of sulfur dioxide, which is a reducing agent.

Dobromir Goedecke


What is smog Class 9?

cbse-class-9-science. LokeshCBSE March 20, 2018, 3:27pm #1. What is smog? Answer: The suspended particles like unburnt carbon particles and hydrocarbons mix with smoke and fog in the atmosphere, especially in the cold weather to form smog which results in a lowered visibility.

Easter Penz


What is smog and acid rain?

Particularly for large metropolitan cities, smog and poor air quality is a pressing environmental problem. When sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react with water vapor and other chemicals in the presence of sunlight, various acidic compounds form in the air and come to the earth as acid rain.

Roxann Shindi


What does AQI mean?

An air quality index

Xiao Zeggai


Does co2 contribute to smog?

That's because carbon dioxide is the most common of the greenhouse gases, which trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute to climate change. Another pollutant associated with climate change is sulfur dioxide, a component of smog. Sulfur dioxide and closely related chemicals are known primarily as a cause of acid rain.