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adj. 1 performed or executed without delay. 2 quick orready to act or respond.
Besides, what is a prompt response?
Definition. (a) prompt (response, reply):(a) swift, quick, efficient, speedy, immediate (response,reply) adjective. I would appreciate a prompt reply so thatI can take action immediately.
Keeping this in view, what does it mean to prompt someone?
Getting in trouble for being late should promptyou to get a better alarm clock. The adjective prompt canmean "as scheduled," or simply "quick." When you promptsomeone, you motivate them in some way: you might offer areminder, assistance, or even inspiration to dosomething.
response Sentence Examples
- Getting no response from Alex, he shrugged and turned to hisdesk.
- He yelled a response and blinked his light.
- He yelled a response and blinked his light.
- Dusty's response was quick.
- In the same way her response to music is in part sympathetic,although she enjoys it for its own sake.
- My response: Why not?