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Also, can you get high from oxygen?
It's not that breathing a more oxygen-richmixture will harm us (although after six hours, pureoxygen does become toxic for healthy people). Decades ofresearch have come up with no evidence that breathing pureoxygen makes healthy subjects intoxicated, euphoric orenergetic.
Additionally, what does an oxygen bar do to you?
Oxygen fans tout the benefits of oxygen asreducing stress, increasing energy and alertness, lessening theeffects of hangovers, headaches, and sinus problems, and generallyrelaxing the body. But there are no long-term, well-controlledscientific studies that support these claims for oxygen inhealthy people.
To purchase an oxygen concentrator, youdo need a prescription from your doctor, stating youroxygen level. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)makes the rules about prescription sales, and at this time,oxygen concentrators are one of the medical devices forwhich the FDA requires a prescription.