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Just so, what is a reportable injury to OSHA?
About OSHA 300A Summaries Recordable work-related injuriesandillnesses are those that result in one or more of thefollowing:medical treatment beyond first aid, one or more days awayfromwork, restricted work or transfer to another job, diagnosis ofasignificant injury or illness, loss of consciousness,ordeath.
In this manner, what is considered an OSHA recordable?
Any work-related fatality. Any work-related injuryorillness that results in loss of consciousness, days away fromwork,restricted work, or transfer to another job.
No, you do not have to routinelykeepOSHA records. However, you must keep OSHA recordsifrequested to do so in writing by the Bureau ofLaborStatistics or by OSHA. In addition, you mustreportany fatality, in-patient hospitalization, amputation,or loss of aneye to OSHA, per 29 CFR 1904.39.