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The lanes are also known by other names accordingto their function during the early game: The safe lane (alsoreferred to as easy lane or short lane) is thelane where the Tier 1 Tower is farthest from the Ancient,and closest to the creep line. For Radiant, this is the bottomlane. For Dire, this is the top lane.
Similarly, what is Offlane Dota 2?
In Dota 2, the offlane refers to the toplane for the Radiant, and bottom for the Dire.
Hereof, what are the different roles in Dota 2?
There are five roles in Dota 2: Carry, Support,Mid, Jungle, and Offlaner.
In every professional game of Dota 2 there existsa hard support, also known as a Position 5 support,whose job is to buy utility items that benefit the team such aswards and dust.