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Hereof, is there another name for Chilean sea bass?
Its real name is actually Patagonian toothfish, which is so unappetizing-sounding that even though it's delicious, nobody was buying it. So in 1977 a fish wholesaler named Lee Lantz, after considering the names Pacific sea bass and South American sea bass, went and completely invented the name Chilean sea bass.
Just so, why is it called Chilean sea bass?
The name "Chilean seabass" was invented by a fish wholesaler named Lee Lantz in 1977. He was looking for a name that would make it attractive to the American market. He considered "Pacific sea bass" and "South American sea bass" before settling on "Chilean sea bass".
Patagonian toothfish come from marine fisheries, not fish farms. They are primarily caught with bottom trawls. Note: A large percentage of toothfish, also known as Chilean sea bass, are caught illegally.