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Hereof, what is SNMP and how does it work?
SNMP works by sending messages, calledprotocoldata units (PDUs), to devices within your networkthat“speak” SNMP. Using these requests,networkadministrators can track virtually any data valuestheyspecify. All of the information SNMP tracks canbe providedto a product that asks for it.
Similarly one may ask, what is the role of SNMP?
Simple Network Management Protocol. SimpleNetworkManagement Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet Standardprotocolfor collecting and organizing information about manageddevices onIP networks and for modifying that information to changedevicebehavior. SNMP is widely used in network managementfornetwork monitoring.
SNMP vs NetFlow: NetFlow emergesasa more compact protocol than SNMP that scales betterforperformance collection and network traffic management. A coupleofbig difference between SNMP vs NetFloware:SNMP can be used to collect CPU and memory utilizationandthat just isn't available yet using NetFlow.